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Direct Mail is “On Fleek” with Millennials

“Sorry not sorry” to any online marketing devotees out there. Numerous studies show that direct mail advertising to millennials is extremely effective. Do I hear skepticism? Sure, it seems counterintuitive that a generation who grew up on computers and all things digital would be best influenced by conventional print media, but never judge a book by its cover as the old saying goes.

Direct Mail is On Fleek

Why Focus on Millennials?
Millennials have the numbers and incredible long-term purchasing power to make them a highly-coveted demographic for any brand or business. In fact, millennials have eclipsed baby boomers as America’s largest generation, numbering 80 million. They will spend more than $200 billion annually starting this year and $10 trillion in their lifetimes. Moreover, they will make up about 50% of the workforce by 2020. If you don’t have a marketing strategy to engage with this rising class, you’re missing out on big revenue opportunities.

What Engages Millennials?
Tech-savvy millennials are in many ways numb to the digital world in which they bury themselves. Online marketing messages are overabundant and consequently not regularly consumed or retained by this group. So how can brands break through the digital clutter and engage younger individuals? All signs point to tactile print and direct mail advertising as the solution. Here are a few key findings from the field:

  • 90% of millennials consider direct mail to be a trustworthy source of information.*
  • 89% of millennials report picking up their mail at first opportunity, which is highest rate of any demographic. They also spend more time scanning and sorting their mail compared to other consumers.†
  • 82% of younger consumers cite print as part of their purchasing journey.‡
  • 75% of millennials consider printed catalogs to be useful, and 30% of that group report that high quality print and paper helps get their attention.≠

In order to market effectively and successfully to millennials, avoid the trap of focusing exclusively on digital channels. Make print an integral part of your media mix to ensure maximum and long-term profits. And, choose the experts at Modern to help you implement a direct marketing strategy to effectively reach and engage the best prospects for your business.

By Jeanine Norlin, Senior Marketing Manager, Modern Postcard

Call a Direct Marketing Specialist at 800.959.8365.

*Pitney Bowes 2015 Report
†USPS 2016 Mail Moments Report 
‡Google 2011 Zero Moment of Truth Macro Study 
≠InfoTrends 2016 Study

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