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When Your Customers Move, When Do You Find Out?

When should you use our Mailing Services? The answer is easy: every time you mail. In fact, we provide you with NCOALink® change-of-address processing absolutely free. Our goal is to help you launch successful direct mail campaigns, so why waste your valuable dollars on postage for undeliverable mail?

So, what is NCOALink®? This service provides the new addresses for individuals and companies on your mailing list that have moved in the last 4 years and submitted Change of Address (COA) notices to the Postal Service. We then update your list with these new addresses BEFORE mailing to ensure a timely and accurate delivery. No unnecessary forwarding delays. No money wasted.

Also at no extra charge, we will send you the address updates in an electronic file so you can update your master mailing lists for use with other marketing efforts.

What it comes down to is that NCOALink® keeps you in touch with everyone on your mailing lists, many of whom have purchased from you before and simply forgotten to notify you about their move. And by identifying people who have moved and left no forwarding address, you can take them off your list and continue to save money on future mailing campaigns.

Finally, this service will keep you in compliance with the latest Postal Service requirements and ensure you receive their deepest postage discounts!

By Modern Postcard

Call a Direct Marketing Specialist at 800.959.8365.

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