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A Fresh Spin on Facebook

Breakthroughs rarely happen from the confines of our comfort zones. Planning for the year’s endeavors should make you feel on the edge-of-your-seat-excited to see more prospects coming through your door and maybe even a little fearful that you are taking chances to develop your business more. But, making changes doesn’t have to be so scary – if you do a little homework first.

One avenue that is changing the marketing landscape and consumers is Facebook. For the past few years the average user was age 33 or younger, but according to a study released by Pingdom, a web monitoring provider, 25% of social networking sites are seeing users between 35 and 44 years of age, with 57% older than 35. And on Facebook, 61% of users are 35 or older. This is a mainstream audience with significant purchasing power. Investment in a tool most companies have been using to build relationships now has the potential to become a new revenue source.

This trend has been building over the past few years, and most companies have successfully tapped into social media to build their corporate presence. The prediction is that social media will continue strong and will start trending older. Already studies in the UK are showing this taking hold. What does this mean for your business? It means the social media platform is becoming more integrated. Businesses will find an audience who can provide a return on their investment in social media and an audience they can truly monetize. Strong communication in social media will continue to be important to a successful and diverse business marketing plan.

Savvy marketers have been factoring social medial into their global brand strategy for some time. But did you know that Modern can help you dial it in even further when you develop your mailing lists? Through sophisticated models, Modern Analytics lets you see how many customers are likely active on Facebook as compared to other users in the trade areas you do business in. Likely Twitter activity can be tracked through the same methodology, too. This gives you a better understanding of the social media marketing channels your audience frequents and how to integrate them with your direct mail campaigns for stellar results.

From postcards to social posts, it is all about reaching customers from the best platform possible.

By Modern Postcard


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