Postcard Retargeting
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the steps and timeframe to get set up?
It will normally take about two weeks to setup a program with Modern iO. This depends on how quickly you add a “tag” to your website, and how the creative is developed.
- The first step is a FREE, No Obligation setup where we send you a line of code (a “tag”) that you will place on your website. Then we collect data for eight days to identify your web traffic and the mailable addresses from those visitors.
- After we identify the daily and weekly potential mailings, we’ll prepare the budget. During those eight days, we recommend that you prepare creative, with a great offer. We’ve found that once clients see how many people they can mail to, they want to get started as soon as possible!
- Then after the budget and volume is established, we can begin. We’ll schedule a “Launch Date” to start the program and the cards can mail on the next business day. So they flow out daily.
How many cards per day are actually mailed?
The web traffic from your site will dictate how many cards you are able to send out. You are able to set a maximum per day and month so that you are in control of your budget.
What if my traffic and mailing volume changes?
If the daily flow fluctuates up or down, that’s no problem. We designed this for optimum flexibility. You control the budget.
It’s up to you how many cards you want to mail, and how you want to increase or decrease the weekly volume. You can start with any amount per day: 25, 50, 100 cards, etc. Then you can adjust as you see how well the program performs.
What is the minimum number of cards you can send?
What’s great about this program is that there are no minimums. Really. If you’re only mailing a single card per day, we can do it. The program has real flexibility. If you have seasonal ebbs and flows of web traffic, you can choose to keep a set mail volume.
Can I set a cap on how many cards I send?
You bet. Like Google AdWords or Facebook Ads, you can set a cap on the weekly budget. In those cases, we have a ‘not to exceed’ limit with the daily mailings.
OK. What’s the pricing?
Pricing varies from under $0.70 to over $2 per piece, and includes set-up, data collection, printing, mailing, and postage.
Your price and budget actually depends on your daily volume. As you would imagine, sending 5 cards per day would have a higher per-piece cost than sending 150 cards/day.
Since PPC Keywords can run over $2 per click, and retargeting banner ads are averaging over $0.60 per click, our pricing for a physical response piece is really affordable. We tend to focus on the overall ROI and the weekly budget rather than the cost-per-piece.
What response rate will I get?
Each campaign and business type is different, and most response rates depends on the offer, call to action, and the messaging. However, we’ve seen response rates as high as 5% and 6%, with ROI case studies showing 4x.
Once we understand your mail volume and average order value, we can estimate what kind of response rate would yield a positive ROI for you.
How are we tracking response rates?
- Delivery. We show what % of cards are being delivered in any given day, and send that report to you.
- Response via client supplied promo codes. You put a unique promo code on the cards so recipients can enter the code online or bring the card into your storefront.
- Unique phone number. We offer traceable numbers that can show you the call volume and response via that specific phone number.
- Matchback. This requires some work on your end, but is the most comprehensive tracking method. Matchbacks line up your customer database (which you send to use) with our mailed records and “matches back” to see which ones received the mailings. It’s a more precise way to see who actually bought and responded.
Who owns the actual list?
No one. Due to privacy and compliance best-practices, neither Modern Postcard nor you actually own the list. We match the data to the creative and mail out the cards, but the list is never stored, housed, or kept. Nor can we send it back to you.
Can I get a copy of the mailing list?
Unfortunately, privacy laws ban us from being able to give you the actual mailing address. We at Modern are passing the data through and not keeping the data ourselves. No one keeps the data.
However, all responders become your leads (and customers) that you can add to your House List.
Does Modern Postcard use my visitor data beyond this mailing?
Nope. Your visitors’ data isn’t shared, and its only use and purpose is to mail the actual cards.
Are my visitors’ mailing addresses shared to other data networks?
Nope. This is a one-way data stream. The matched mailing addresses flow into the cards to be mailed, and that’s it.
Are there any other privacy concerns I should worry about?
There aren’t privacy concerns, since no one actually owns and keeps the data. We do, however, send you a privacy statement that we recommend you put on your privacy policy. It just notifies your web visitors that they might be remarketed to via mailing. This is commonplace now for sites to have privacy statements about their cookies and the like.
Why can’t you match all of my website visitors??
Based on the available data and network, there simply might be website visitors who don’t have an online subscription that matches to collect a mailable address. However, each mailable address we do find is incremental to what’s been possible before.
Is this better than other marketing/retargeting?
We believe it augments other programs and has a different purpose. Postcards have a 100% Open Rate, and are geared to drive response. Other digital retargeting usually drives users to a landing page or form or website. This is a more direct, physical touch, with a more direct action and outcome.
Is this only matching my CRM leads coming to the website?
This is the great news – it’s NOT just your CRM contacts. The program is designed to remarket to website visitors who have never filled out any forms. These are your unknown web visitors.
Studies indicate that about 97% of web visitors don’t convert. This program is ideal to reach those visitors. So all these mailable addresses and subsequent conversions are incremental touches.
Can I block the mailing from going to my CRM leads or existing customer list?
You bet. It’s a suppression list. If you have a database you’d like to suppress, simply send it to us and we won’t mail to those people.
Do you have CRM integration?
Not yet. If this becomes a serious request, we can evaluate how to include that in a future roadmap.
Can you not mail to someone who visited the site last week?
You bet. That’s another suppression list. We can set a threshold of what you want to shield – visitors who came 2 weeks ago, one month ago, etc. Typically, customers ask us not to mail to visitors who came within the past 30 days. But it’s up to you.
Do you offer any help on the creative?
Yes – and we’re experts at direct-response design. Talk with us about where you need help – either via templates that you can edit, or full creative with design and messaging. We can also offer advice and consult on your current designs as well. We have a shared outcome in making sure you’re reaching your audience with a powerful piece.
Can I send different creative based on the page my visitor goes to?
Yes. If you have a couple of product lines or brands you market, we recommend that you have different creative for those pages. We have clients with campaigns using 4-5 card designs and each one is specific to a different page of their website.
My customers visit many different pages. Can I prioritize which card is sent so they don’t get two different cards or a card representing the last page they visited?
Of course! You decide the priority of the page and related creative. So if you sell ties, socks and belts, and you want to push the ties, then that’s the card your user receives, even if they visit all three pages.
What do you recommend to make the program successful at the start?
First, have a great offer. Remember, these are visitors to your site that have already expressed an interest in your product and services. Most retargeting Facebook ads have an offer that hooks, and this should be no different. A great offer and strong call-to-action that makes it easy to respond is key.
Do you have a reseller program?
Yes. You can become an Authorized Modern iO Affiliate, and offer this high-response marketing channel to your clients. The best way to get started is to schedule a call with our Client Success Manager.