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Turn Website Visitors Into Actual Leads

Collect, capture, and market to your website visitors – even if they don’t purchase or fill out a form.

LeadNet Screenshot showing tracking and graphs

Use your website visitor data to fuel Marketing and Sales outreach

With LeadNetTM, you can seamlessly capture name, email, address, and more of your website visitors.

  • Begin immediately with online onboarding and FREE Trial
  • Export data via csv or integrate with CRMs
  • Retarget via Sales Outreach, Email, Direct Mail and Display Ads
  • Sequence and Smart Filtering for your Emails and Direct Mail
  • Start easily with a simple step-by-step launch process
LeadNet Screen and Icons
Capture name, email, postal, and more of actual visitors.
Export into CRM, Email, Direct Mail, and Display Ad programs.

Solutions for B2B and B2C Websites

Most website visitors leave without filling out a form or purchasing. With LeadNet, you get Website Qualified LeadsTM, so you can Retarget those prospects who already expressed an interest in your business. And it’s your data, revealed in your own dashboard for exporting. You can add users so your marketing team gains access, with no fees for multiple users.

Business to Business

Capture Name, Personal Email, LinkedIn Link, B2B Email, Postal Address, and appended firmographic data.

Collect B2B emails for ABM strategies

Website Qualified Lead into your marketing and sales funnel

Leverage LinkedIn URL for messaging and research

Business to Consumers

Capture Name, Email, Postal Address, and even append demographic data. Ideal for:

Consumer Services to drive lead generation

Nonprofits and Organizations to build the house file

E-commerce to fuel ongoing remarketing to interested buyers

Turn blind traffic into real leads

LeadNet is a set-and-collect program that gives you visibility and control over how you reach back to your website visitors:

  • Geo-Fence via State or Zip Code
  • Set targets on specific website pages
  • Budget or cap the number of leads per day
  • Sequence and filter to refine Email and Direct Mail programs
LeadNet Magnet
Dart hitting the bullseye

Variety of plans for any business

LeadNet finally offers businesses the chance to directly retarget website visitors, and keep the data for future marketing efforts via email, Direct Mail, catalogs, Sales outreach, and more. You can actually see who visited your website, and recontact them!

Affordable subscription programs can go month-to-month or for better rates at 3, 6, and 12 months.

Separate and easy billing for data records, emails, and Direct Mail programs.

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