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Businesses that target customers with Direct Mail compete and thrive.

Amazon, Yelp, Facebook and Google impacts your exposure, and adding Print and Direct Mail drives customer responses and more in-store or online sales.*
B2C Direct Mail campaigns added to online marketing is the smart way to market. Physical Direct Mail marketing is now the “new” way to reach customers. As a B2C marketer, you have both opportunities and challenges in the “New Normal” of Amazon, Google, Yelp, and other online spaces. Yet one goal remains: making sure you remain relevant and visible in the minds of your customers. As one of our boutique retail clients notes, local mailings can drive real foot traffic better than most anything else.

  • The human brain responds more powerfully to tactile, physical marketing.
  • Banana Republic, Kiehl’s, Nordstrom, and other big brands frequently use Direct Mail for outreach to existing customers.
  • Catalogs from niche and specialty providers are on the rise again.
  • Customers who have a multi-channel relationship with the brand spend four times as much as those who do not. (Harvard Business Review)
Marketing for a National Brand?

Customers take mailers and coupons into the stores. Adding Direct Mail to emails and AdWords campaigns drive more storefront and website traffic. Learn more.

Drive Sales with these Print and Direct Mail ideas:

  • Flat Postcards: Special promotions and offers, holiday specials, summer specials, BOGO’s, Father’s/Mother’s Day special, anniversary event mailing, product promo, sidewalk sale promo, bag insert promos, etc.
  • Folds & Tri-Folds: Product promotion, holiday mailing promo with free gift inside, store grand opening announcement, product facts and ingredients, seasonal collection mailers, valued customer mailer, new product mailer, product instructions, etc.
  • Booklets: product catalog mailer, holiday specials catalog mailer, etc.
Lift Response with High-Performing List Targets: 

  • Households targeted by drive time, age, income, gender, marital status, presence of children or pets
  • New movers and new homeowners in the area
  • Prospects with in-store and online retail transactions
  • Consumers with specific lifestyle interests such as health and fitness, artistic living and magazine subscriptions

Modern has always provided fast, friendly service and the quality of what they deliver is second to none. Our product catalogs are critical for the success of our business and we would not entrust them to anyone but Modern!

Chris Morales

Sr. Graphic Designer, 2XU

X2U Print Layout
Quick Facts about Direct Mail
  • People read postcards in greater numbers with a 3.9% increase over last year*
  • For ages 18-21, response rates doubled in 2016!*
  • Consumers understand and remember what they read on paper better than what they read on a screen**
  • Direct mail was found to require 21 percent less cognitive effort. That means your message is absorbed more quickly and effectively***
  • When asked, “Which is more effective at getting you to take action?” 30 percent of millennials said direct mail, 24 percent said Email***

*USPS Household Diary Study, **Proust and the Squid, Maryanne Wolf, ***SmallBizTends

Direct Mail Crash Course

Coming to a city near you, we offer FREE Education on how to create impactful and effective Direct Mail Campaigns.

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