Reach New Movers First!
Send automatic Direct Mail
to people who just moved in.

Automatically put your brand in the hands of new movers.

Addresses of new movers are collected from self-reported data.

We automatically sync up your postcard to the specific Zip Codes you target.

Postcards promoting your business are mailed each week to new residents in your target area!
New Movers are ready to hear from you NOW.
New Movers spend, on average, over $10,000 in the 180 days around a moving event.
These prospects are more responsive to marketing from:
Church, dining, retail, entertainment, dental & medical, veterinarian, auto repair, and more!
Simple pricing, NO set-up fee!
The average time from move to mailbox is 30 to 60 days. New Mover data is compiled, and postcards are mailed weekly via First Class postage, arriving just days after they mail. Once a program begins, you pay-as-you-go with weekly billing for all cards mailed.
- Price includes set-up, data, printing, postage, tracking, analytics
- Weekly mailings
- Personalization is available at NO extra cost
- Jumbo (6″ x 9″) and Standard (4.25″ x 6″) sizes available
- Copy and Design services available for only $199 per postcard
- Pricing starts at $0.79 ea.
Minimum 100 cards per month.
Start with a FREE New Mover Program Consultation!
Starting is Easy, Programs are Ongoing and Targeted For Your Business
How recent is the data?
Data is as recent as 1 to 2 months. So, every week we can mail to the most recent move addresses.
What is included in the price?
The price includes the program’s set-up, printing, mailing services, and postage. If you need creative help, we can do full creative services (concept, design, and copywriting) for only $199.
Can I change the creative for seasonal sales, different offers, etc.?
You can change the creative on your schedule. We ask for a week to set up the updated creative in our system.
How do I track the mailings?
We offer full transparency with a dashboard that shows you the number of cards mailed on a daily basis, as well as a mapping display to show where the cards are being mailed.
Do you offer the ability to re-mail to the list?
Yes. We can work out what kind of schedule or cadence makes sense so you can take advantage of frequency mailings.
How long should the program run for?
Consider this an “evergreen” marketing approach. New people are moving into the area all the time. This means there is a constant stream of new opportunities for you to tap into. If a test is necessary before turning into an ongoing program, we recommend the test run for at least 3-6 months.
Is there a minimum number of cards to qualify?
Our minimum is only 100 cards per month, which pencils out to about 3-4 cards per day.
How long does it take to start this New Mover Trigger program?
Very quickly! Once we determine the Zip Code parameters and any budget caps, all we need is creative to begin. And, we can help you with design and copy for only $199 per creative.
Our customers love us! Learn more about the services of Modern Postcard.