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Enhanced QR codes give you real-time tracking, attribution, and engagement!

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Enhanced QR Codes

Our enhanced QR codes are superior, so you get more value

Get past the boring, square, postage-stamp-sized QR codes that look flat and uninviting. Instead elevate your mailings with designs, features, and capabilities that help drive higher engagement and conversion.

Aerial view of houses with map locations on dozens of addresses

Track scanned codes for attribution

Using a trackable QR code lets you track scanners, instead of just relying on landing pages or UTM codes. Our reports show how many scans are engaged so you can add that as another attribution metric to your campaign.

Cool and Engaging Design Options

The design of codes makes an enormous difference in engagement and activity. Studies have shown that larger, more visually attractive codes get more response.
Examples of 3 different QR code design options
QR Code directing users to mobile-first landing pages

Mobile-First Landing Pages

Don’t worry about sending scanners to defunct or non-optimized pages. We can capture name, email, and more with embedded, mobile-optimized landing pages as part of the program.

QR Codes are becoming more important for your marketing

You’re mailing now…so make every card count!
If you’re sending direct mail or any shipped card, using a QR code is the simplest and most common way to create instant engagement and interactivity. And, your customers are looking for them!


% of surveyed US consumers think QR codes will become a permanent part of their smartphone use


% of Gen Z and Millennials have scanned QR codes in the last 3 months

Source: The Drum; YouGov; eMarketer; Marketing Charts


% of US businesses incorporate QR codes as part of their marketing

Scan this code for a FREE Limited Time Offer!

QR Code - Limited Time Offer

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