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Color Matching

Send us A Color Sample.

If color is important to you, and you are sending us a digital image (.jpg. tif etc…), to ensure that the color on your postcard is what you are expecting, send us a physical sample that we can use to compare your digital file against.

Any materials that you send to us will be returned to you, but we recommend that you do not send us valuable, or one-of-a-kind artwork, as we are not responsible should damage occur in transit.

NOTE: If you have been assigned a job number be sure to include the job number along with the materials you submit.

Sample Types:

You have a number of options, but no matter what you send, the most important factor is that you like how the image looks (Color, overall Contrast, Lightness, Darkness etc.). You should closely examine any sample that you’re going to send as we will use this as the guide.

Here is a list of what you can send:

  • A print from your color printer
  • An actual photographic print, slide, or large format transparency (This doesn’t have to be the exact same image. It can actually be a different image with the ideal values of what you want, as long as it is not too different from the file you want to use)
  • A tear-sheet from a magazine or other printed sample that shows us the overall values you want
Why send us a sample?

While the image may look great on your computer, it may not print that way on our press. By sending a sample of what you think the image should look like, our color experts will be able to review your digital image and compare it against your sample. If they notice any noticeable difference (in Color, Contrast, Lightness, Darkness, Sharpness, etc.), they will advise you of the difference and what cost, if any, to modify your image so that when we print it, it’s what you’re expecting.

Can we make it look exactly the way you want?

Not always. Not all colors can be reproduced when printing with CMYK process inks. However, by sending us a sample, we will be able to get as close as is possible.