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List FAQ

Q: How and when should I send my mailing list?
A: It is important to remember that without your list, we cannot begin the mailing portion of your job. Therefore, you should send it to us at the same time as your printing order if at all possible. If you do not need to mail immediately after the printing, you should make sure we have the list no later than 4 business days before your preferred mailing date.

If you are ordering online through our Online Ordering System, you will be able to upload your mailing list along with your print materials. Please be sure to “zip” your list files before submitting them electronically. If you are mailing your order to us, you can include your list on a CD or thumbdrive. In either case, clearly identify each submission with your Job #, your name, company and phone number. Also, please indicate the quantity and the file types, and provide any special instructions for processing the lists. A field layout is always appreciated and will help expedite processing your list.

Q: Do I have to compress my mailing list before sending?
A: Yes. You must compress your files prior to submitting. View our page on File Compression to learn more.

Q: Do you accept my mailing list as Cheshire labels, tapes, tape cartridges or DAT tapes?
A: No. We do NOT accept Cheshire labels, tapes, tape cartridges or DAT tapes.

Q: What fields must I include to make sure my mail is delivered?
A: For proper addressing, your list must include a recipient’s name (or generic name such as “Current Resident”), street name and number (include apt #, PO Box, or suite #), city, state and zip code. Business lists should also include Company names and may optionally include Title & Department fields. Find out more information on List Formats.

Q: Is there a minimum quantity of cards you can mail?
A: No. We analyze every order we mail to determine a best-fit postal solution based on your mailing list, order quantity, postage type and mailpiece size.

Q: I have been gathering my list for several years and I know some people have moved. Is there some way to update it with new addresses?
A: Yes, read about updating your mailing list.

Q: I only have self-adhesive mailing labels. Can you use those to complete my mailing?
A: Yes, in those cases where you do not have an electronic version of your list, we can apply your labels instead of ink jet addressing. However, since we will not be able to apply postal barcodes to your mail, no presort discounts are available. Therefore, your cost for the mailing will be the full First Class postage, plus a Mailing Services fee and a per piece charge to hand-apply the labels. Contact us for details and a cost estimate.

Q: What type of security and protection do you provide for the confidential information contained in my mailing list?
A: We will take reasonable steps to maintain the confidentiality, safekeeping and protection of confidential information contained in a Customer’s mailing list. At all times it is Customer’s or Customer’s list vendor’s responsibility to maintain a duplicate copy of their mailing list(s). You may download a copy of our Mailing List Privacy, Security and Limitations of Liability Agreement by clicking here.