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Announcement: Postal Analytics is Here!

Contrary to popular belief, postage is not a set price – it is actually based on the amount of work the USPS does for your mailing. One of our ongoing company goals is to identify areas where we can add value to our clients’ orders. So, given that we have a close partnership with the USPS, we work to find the best options that help us lower postage prices for our clients. After months of research and process development, we are proud to announce the launch of our Postal Analytics program! The focus of this program is to identify areas where Modern can remove USPS touch points to earn discounts on postage that we pass along to you.

As a part of this service, every order we mail is analyzed to determine a best-fit postal solution based on your mailing list, order quantity, postage type and card size. There are no extra fees for this analysis since it helps us to reach our goal in providing you the best service available.

Trust our experts to navigate the sea of USPS options for you. Once we identify a best-fit solution, we’ll automatically apply it to your order, and nothing is needed from you. But if you want more information about these areas of savings, please read on!

By Modern Postcard

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