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For Best Results, Your Marketing Needs a Call to Action

Our Marketing Coordinator here at Modern recently pulled extra prints to be used in our free Sample Kits. We typically select pieces that are vibrant, colorful and intriguing. We want to show off our super cool clients while showcasing our own print quality.

While all of the cards were beautiful, I noticed a disproportionate number of them lacked one of the most important elements of direct mail – or any kind of advertising for that matter… the call to action.

Tell them with confidence:

Are you an insurance agent? Call now to see how I can save you money on a policy.

Portrait photographer? Call now to book your session.

Retailer? Come in now until Tuesday for incredible deals storewide.

Freelance designer? View my portfolio online and contact me to discuss your next project.

Dog groomer? Call now to book an appointment for your furry friend.

While putting your phone number, website or email address on your piece may seem intuitive enough, it’s not. People need to know what to do next. If you don’t tell them, they won’t do anything. Seriously.

Tips to kick things up a notch:

  1. Roll your offer into the call to action: 
    Call now for 20% OFF your first order with our company!
  2. Create urgency by setting a deadline: 
    Place your order online now – offer ends in just 7 days!
  3. Keep it short, simple and to the point: 
    Call now for your FREE, no-risk trial!

It takes few minutes to create one, so don’t skip this important step. Good luck and get writing!

By Modern Postcard

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