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How Often Should I Mail?

After “What can I expect as a response rate?”, mailing frequency is the second most common question that people ask. And my answer is the same… it depends.

Actually, this one is a lot easier since the general answer is, “As often as it’s profitable.”

It’s funny that in just about any other type of advertising – newspaper, magazine, television, radio and online, there isn’t a second thought given to spending thousands and even millions of dollars marketing to the same subscribers, viewers and listeners day after day, and even year after year. There are companies that have advertised in the local paper every day for the last 20 years, yet question sending a Direct Mail campaign twice to the same list.

Advertising is primarily about repetition, and direct mail is no exception. The best thing about direct mail is that by targeting your programs, you can be much more precise about who is receiving your offer and likely won’t need to mail to the same list for 20 years. Plus, you can suppress responders from previous campaigns and only pay to market to pure prospects.

When it comes to the number of mail drops and the timing between them, it really depends on:

  • What type of product or service you are marketing
  • Who your customer base is
  • When your product or service is typically purchased

For companies with a product that is purchased on an “as needed” basis, such as automobile repair, house painting or real estate, mailing monthly or quarterly will keep you top of mind when the customer needs your service. If you have a seasonal product such as cruises, photography or golf, 2-4 drops within a week or two of one another gives you frequency, credibility and a strong response.

A key benefit of mailing to the same list more than once is an increase in ROI due to a decrease in cost per piece. Simply purchase a multiple-use list, and you won’t pay for the list each time you mail.

As always, the best way to determine what’s right for you and your company is to test. Track the response and sell through rates of groups that get one, two, three pieces, etc. It will show you the optimal number of drops you need to maximize your response.

Of course, if you have any questions, call your Modern Postcard direct marketing specialist to help you test the frequency that is right for you!

By Keith Goodman, VP, Corporate Solutions for Modern Postcard

Call a Direct Marketing Specialist at 800.959.8365.

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