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Internet Inspiration in Daily Design

With the integration of the Internet into our daily lives, we’re constantly being influenced by vast amounts of visual stimulation. It’s easy to be confused as to what is considered good design.

As a designer, I draw my inspiration from a variety of sources, rooted in a variety of disciplines. I’m inspired by art (obviously), architecture, industrial design, packaging, textile, fashion and music. I’m intrigued by the emotions associated with these things. Every one of these aesthetics provides an inspiration for useful elements in graphic design. Learn to absorb as much as you can, stay curious and pay attention.

When designing, there are many elements to consider. Who’s your audience? What visuals will they respond to? What’s the best and most efficient way to reach them? Consider type treatment, tone of images, placement of graphic elements, color, format orientation and size. Keep these things in mind when designing. Does the final design support your goal? Your design could be as complicated as a high-level, corporate marketing piece or as a simple a personal event invitation. Does it accomplish your goal reaction?

Branding has a long history of rules and applications. Depending on your market, it’s your decision whether to take a more formal design approach for your business or one which swims against the current and disregards the rules but appeals to a more visually progressive audience. Maybe it’s the middle ground. Only you can pick what will work for you. Once these decisions are made, apply them with consistency to create your brand.

Here are a few sites I visit daily for inspiration:

By Modern Postcard

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