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Mailing Lists and the Postal Analytics Program – a Brief Introduction

When deciding on a direct mail campaign, customers often think about the creative aspects first. It’s fun to consider what colors to use, which fonts to experiment with, what the call-to-action may be, etc. But the truth is, none of that matters unless you have a solid mailing strategy in place, and it all starts with the list. Part of the strategy falls on the client, for example, knowing the target audience and their specific needs, while other aspects fall on the mail house, like understanding the inner workings of the USPS® to keep postage costs as low as possible. At Modern Postcard, our Direct Mail Specialists take great care to guide you through the process and provide expertise to execute successful mailings.

Mailing Lists

A successful mail strategy doesn’t start with a list, it starts with the right list. It is the single most critical component to a successful direct mail campaign. Studies indicate that 40% of the effectiveness of a campaign depends on the reliability of the list. This short video illustrates how Modern Postcard helps target customers with our data and lists service:

List Procurement

If you’re interested in launching a direct mail campaign to get new customers but don’t have a list, Modern Postcard can help you with that. We have access to lists that work for every business and any audience. We’ve got you covered, from consumer and business lists to occupant and new movers lists. Contact us to get the conversation started.

Modern’s Postal Analytics Program

When it comes to direct mail campaigns, the most daunting part, however, is oftentimes not list-related but rather the concerns over postage prices. Direct mail is indeed more expensive than other marketing channels, such as email or digital, but those channels don’t come close to delivering the response rates that direct mail offers, which outperforms all digital channels combined by over 600%.*

Here’s the thing about direct mail postage that may surprise you: it’s not a set price. It’s based on the amount of work the USPS has to do for your mailing. In other words, the simpler we make it for the USPS to get your mailers out the door, the more advantageous and affordable it is for you. We’ve spent a lot of time and effort on this topic. Our Direct Mail Specialists have developed an in-house Postal Analytics program that identifies areas where we can remove USPS touchpoints to lower the mailing costs that are passed on to you. We can’t eliminate postage charges altogether, but we sure can lower the costs – and that’s true for every single mailing we process. To learn more about the Postal Analytics program, please click here.

Whether you’re looking to start a direct mail campaign from scratch, and you need help with design and copywriting, or you have everything ready to go and just need assistance with the mailing part, we’re here to help you get your mailers in the hands of customers. There are endless ways to get your products or services noticed with direct mail, from postcards to catalogs and beyond. Give us a call to get the conversation started.

Call a Direct Marketing Specialist at 800.959.8365.

Statistics sources: *DMA Response Rate Report

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