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Marketing to Other Businesses? Direct Mail is Proving Effective!

If you market to other businesses, you know that outbound marketing programs are an important part of your mix. Most likely you are using a combination of advertising and lead generation tactics to get the word out and draw interest from your prospects. A recent study by MarketingSherpa shows that many B2B organizations are rating direct mail as an effective tactic for their marketing.

The study shows that over 75% of 1000 business surveyed find direct mail to be somewhat effective to very effective marketing. Organizations in the business services sector were the most likely to find direct mail very effective. This may be an indication that businesses are employing various personalization and segmentation strategies that leverage either in-house or purchased data to maximize the effectiveness of their direct mail.

If you are a B2B marketer and you’re not using direct mail, consider adding it to your mix. If you are employing direct mail, we recommend you explore using your in-house data or purchased data to improve ROI by adding advanced personalization and segmentation strategies.


By Modern Postcard

Call a Direct Marketing Specialist at 800.959.8365.

Source: MarketingSherpa B2B Marketing Benchmark Survey, August 2010

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