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Need More Customers? Consider the Hispanic Market – November 2011

If you’re not reaching out to the Hispanic market, you’re missing out on a ton of new customers! In fact, this audience could be vital to your business. According to research by Hispanic Business, Inc., it’s the largest ethnic minority in the U.S. with purchasing power set to grow from $841 billion in 2006 to $1.1 trillion in 2012.

With the growing Hispanic market comes the increasing consumption of goods and services. And as a marketer, you need to reach out to this audience. Especially, if you consider that 71% know and speak English, 70% own their own home, and 46% have kids present in the household. The Hispanic market is ready to spend, so make sure they spend with you!

Now, how do you reach this audience? That’s where Modern can provide marketing expertise. We have the mailing list resources to reach the right audience segment for your type of business. With over 11 million Hispanic Households on file, large counts mean great coverage in your local marketing areas. And with mailing list prices starting at just $125.00, we can accommodate any budget.

We can even define your target market using a variety of demographics and geographics, such as:

  • Homeownership
  • Income Level
  • Marital Status
  • Designated Market Area
  • Zip Codes
  • County, State or National
  • Radius and Drive Time from Your Location

So don’t miss out on additional customers and a boost in business. Call today to find out how you can reach this key audience. Your Direct Marketing Specialist is available to assist you!

By Modern Postcard

Call a Direct Marketing Specialist at 800.959.8365.

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