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Postcard Retargeting Best Practice #1 – Tell Your Story To Drive Response

Postcard Retargeting Best Practices #1 - Tell Your Story

Storytelling is a key skill that most marketers value, and many have begun to use in their messaging. All of the cognitive studies have shown that storytelling makes a stronger, longer-lasting impact on customers and memory.

Add that to the high-impact print marketing has on the brain, and you get the trifecta of visitor engagement:

Relevancy + Storytelling + Print Marketing

Relevancy has always been the most important attribute of messaging. Your audience is going to respond to offers and messaging they care about, from businesses they’re interested in. The beautiful business aspect of Postcard Retargeting is that you’re reaching a recent website visitor. Of course they’re interested! By adding filters of 2+ pages visited, or targeting specific pages, you’re reaching a web visitor who is already in your sales and marketing funnel. The place is to move that user closer to a decision in your favor.

Storytelling simply translates your features and benefits into a communication method that every human can relate to. There is a hero, villain, mentor, journey, and transformation. The hero is your customer, you – the business – are the mentor. By using a storytelling structure, you can write about why they would choose you versus your competitors.

In telling your story, it’s vital that you don’t resort to simply having just an offer and an image on your card. That’s like having a hamburger with no burger. It’s a nothing-burger, and no one likes those.

In addition, Generation Z has become the most media and message savvy consumers in the world, and they want to be better connected to the brands they choose.

Stories are simply the fastest and most effective ways to communicate.

Postcard Retargeting #1 - Stories are 22x more memorable than just facts

Note on the image: the impact of this painting is not the number of arrows or antelope, it’s the small figure in the upper right who ‘might’ be a young boy going on his first hunt. This is the story of his transition into becoming a new hunter for the tribe, representing a new generation that feeds and protects the tribe for more generations to come.

So when thinking about the card, tell the story of your business instead of just showing an image and an offer.

Print Marketing is a powerful way to communicate messages. Neuroscience is proving that physical marketing creates stronger engagement, and has more brand recall than digital marketing. Also, the two sides of the postcard help you craft a message and layout that includes testimonials, offers, and strong call-to-action to persuade that visitor respond.

Postcard Retargeting #1 - Don't Do This

Postcard Retargeting #1 - Do This

See how the story of the website is being told in the headline, and the address-side copy? In addition, they added a personal message from the CEO to make a stronger connection.

This card has the offer and the imagery, but also – most importantly – conveys a story about the brand that transcends their logo. It reminds the visitor of why they should choose this brand over others they might visit and consider.

This is a classic e-Commerce example of using two sides to target a user with a message that is Relevant, Tells A Story, and takes advantage of the benefits of Print Marketing. The trifecta!

For more Postcard Retargeting Best Practices, download our eBook and register for our upcoming LIVE Webinar.


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