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Print + Digital Technologies = Postcard Retargeting

Home » Print + Digital Technologies = Postcard Retargeting

Mail Postcards to your Website Visitors

FREE webinars hosted by industry expert, Christopher Foster, VP of New Business at Modern Postcard. Open Q&A session included.

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Most people visit a website of a brand to inquire or purchase something, and most all of them leave. In fact, 97% of website visitors leave without converting. (source: HubSpot) It’s a staggering statistic, and one borne out across market types, sizes of business, and different websites.

Postcard Retargeting Reaches Unconverted Website Visitors!

To convert those users, most businesses deploy digital retargeting, but that channel has some gaps:

  • The ad-blind don’t see these ads anymore (which many studies show
    make up the majority of online shoppers)
  • 30% of consumers’ devices are now running ad-blocker software
  • Of the ads that finally do get seen, average response rates are less than
    1% which means that 99% of purchased impressions remain unclicked

Postcard Retargeting fills these gaps by mailing to about 50% of unconverted website visitors. Because print media is so powerful, and the cards are being mailed to consumers who already expressed interest, response rates and conversions are much higher than other channels.

Unconverted visitors receive Retargeting Postcards

Ready to bring back your website’s visitors?
Call a Postcard Retargeting Specialist today at

Want to learn more about print marketing? Download your copy of the 26-page e-book How Print Marketing Lights Up Your Customer’s Brain For More Sales, by filling out the form below. Learn how and why the brain responds to print marketing, and discover how you can implement print in your own marketing for higher response rates.

Discover Why Print Marketing Lights Up Those Brains.

Chris Foster Headshot

By Chris Foster, VP New Business Development

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