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USPS News: 2024 Postage Rate Changes

The United States Postal Service (USPS®) notified the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) of changes to postal service rates effective July 14, 2024.

As an independent organization, the PRC develops and implements a modern postal rate regulation system and oversees the USPS, including rates and services, to ensure the Postal Service meets all of its legal requirements.

The chart below compares current and new rates for common USPS mail types.

First-Class Presort Flats*$1.04$1.13$0.09
First-Class Presort Letters*$0.566$0.61$0.044
First-Class Single Piece (Stamp)$0.68$0.73$0.05
First-Class Presort Postcards$0.381$0.408$0.027
Marketing Mail Flats (Bulk)*$0.923$0.971$0.048
Marketing Mail Letters (Bulk)*$0.356$0.379$0.023
Non-Profit Marketing Mail (Bulk)*$0.199$0.207$0.008
Postcard Single Piece (Stamp)$0.51$0.56$0.05

*Postage rates within these categories are based on not claiming destination entry discounts, so the rates quoted above reference the highest rate within the range for mail weighing 1 oz. or less.

Modern Postcard’s Low Postage Pledge

Changes are inevitable, but Modern Postcard has not wavered on our mission to get you the lowest possible postage. Whether you’re mailing 200 or 20 million pieces, every order is analyzed to optimize postage rates and delivery. Some of the strategies we use include:

Drop Shipping:

One way we take some of the load off the USPS, is by delivering your mailers to them as close as possible to the final postal destination. The savings it provides their team are passed right on to any of your bulk orders that qualify.

Priority Mail Open & Distribute (PMOD):

Smaller mailings are bundled together to receive the same discounts enjoyed by larger orders. It’s a perfect solution for saving money when time is of the essence.


If your order is heading to similar destinations as others, it could qualify for co-mail discounts which maximize delivery value.

With Modern, you also have the option to add Informed Delivery. This brings in more return at no extra cost to our customers. According to USPS, informed delivery increases reach by 13%, gets 39% more attention with 37% more response, and has 20% more conversions. Estimate your potential return with the USPS informed delivery calculator.

If you’re concerned about how these changes will affect your margins, please call our team of Direct Marketing Specialists. They can help analyze every campaign to find the optimal solution. For a quick overview of our process and some direct mail best practices for getting the lowest postage prices, check out our mailing services video.

To get a further look into helping grow your business with Direct Marketing, register to attend one of our FREE Live Webinars where we share the latest industry knowledge and exclusive tips.

By Marc Ortiz, Mailing Operations Manager, Modern Postcard

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