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What Keeps a Mailing List Guy Motivated? The Hunt.

Our List & Data Solutions Manager gets a lot of questions about mailing list types, targeting by geography, figuring out demographic selects and so much more. His favorite question?

Why have you been doing this for over 11 years?

His answer is simple, “Everyday exposure and insight into a wide array of business models. Jumping in and tracking down the best list.” In fact, here’s a sample of his recent requests and orders:

  • Toyota Prius Owners
  • Chaldean Homeowners & other super niche ethnic targets
  • Art Collectors
  • Art Dealers
  • Buyers of Baby Products
  • Donors to Child Related Causes
  • Top Insurance Producers
  • College & University Chairs and Deans
  • Hard Asset Investors
  • Multiple Property Owners
  • Single Females making $100K+ that own a Cat or Dog
  • Fitness Enthusiasts
  • Business Owners at Home Address

Contact us today and speak with Modern’s in-house List Broker to get a free quote or find the targeted audience you need to reach today. 

By Modern Postcard

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