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What Is The Perfect Process?

Every company is different, even those that produce the same type of product. Every person is different, even those that produce the same type of work. Take this into account and add in variable elements like climates both environmental and cultural, production costs, professional and personal goals, available resources and much more and your result is a conglomerate of situations that every organization needs to navigate to be successful.

With the convergence of these elements it can often be difficult to understand what the proper process is for taking an idea, maybe even creating the idea, and moving it to production. The question presents itself, what is the best process? Is it a quagmire of meetings from brainstorming to buy in to kick off? When do initial designs or mock ups occur? When should testing or prototyping begin or end? What is the chain of command and how does that produce the highest quality product? All of these questions are valid.

A common problem is that many try to answer these questions relying on either prior experiences like “this is what we did at XXX Corporation” or rather something they have heard about whether it be from a book or movie like “well, this is what Zappos or Amazon did, so we should, too”. Either way, these are great tools, but they are definitely not the answer.

The answer to “what is the perfect process?” is that there isn’t one. There may be synonymous actions or steps, but there are too many factors at play to suggest one process will work for every project. Those that can actually realize this fact are far more set up to succeed.

But, with this realization, there is a perfect starting point to every project.

Organizations, teams or individuals that state their goals, or the problem needed to be solved are more susceptible for success than those that don’t. If these expectations are well detailed, measurable, attainable and accurate, then each step in the ladder to completion will create an environment for your perfect process to be born. By stating these goals or desired end point, each step is accountable to a greater power making it easier to succeed.

Good luck.

By Modern Postcard

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