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Tips for Consumer Services
These types of websites are going to be different than eCommerce or retail. Examples include fintech, real estate, mortgage, roofing, home improvement, fitness, etc. These sites might be purely informational or be used to generate leads.
Your goal may be to have a visitor request a quote, schedule an appointment, complete a lead form, etc. The visitors who don’t complete those actions are usual targets for these kinds of retargeting programs.
For higher-trafficked sites, certain pages might show more intent and interest (this could be the Pricing page, etc.).
For lower-trafficked sites, you might consider mailing to anyone visiting 2 or more pages as a good opportunity.
The best approach for these kinds of businesses might not be obvious initially. Learning from the business what is most important, and which visitors show the highest intent, can help guide the targeting approach.
Note: A Matchback service is necessary to best measure performance.