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Direct Mail on the Rise in 2011

Analysis from the marketing consulting firm Winterberry Group, entitled “Outlook 2011 What to Expect in Direct & Digital Marketing,” shows a positive outlook for direct channels in 2011.

Spending on direct mail is expected to increase 5.8% in 2011, to $47 billion dollars. This surge is driven by a return to acquisition mail led by financial services, retail, and automotive, according to the report.

The direct marketing upswing is a continuation of the 2010 rebound in which direct mail spending rose 3.1% — after experiencing declines in 2007 (-1.4%), 2008 (-4.1%), and 2009 (-16.7%).

Direct & Digital Channels: A strong recovery forecast, with billions added to mail and all digital media

Direct Mail Chart

In addition to an increase in direct mail spend, direct response print advertising is expected to increase by 2.0% ($15.3 billion) and insert media will see a very slight bump in spending from $0.8 billion in 2010, to $0.9 billion in 2011.

Sources: Winterberry Group, Outlook 2011: What to Expect in Direct & Digital Marketing (free PDF, registration required), January 2011 and Marketing Powers Activate, Report: Direct Mail Spending To Grow 5.8%, January 14, 2011.

Reprinted with permission from Print in the Mix – A Clearinghouse of Research on Print Media Effectiveness

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