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Real Estate Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns

How many times have you received a direct mail piece in your own mailbox from a local real estate agent? We bet it’s been more times than you can remember – and we’re also certain that no matter if you were in the market to buy or sell, you couldn’t help but take a look at that direct mail piece. Curiosity alone would do that! As far as real estate goes, it’s a super competitive industry, and realtors compete year-round for the attention of local residents who are looking to sell or buy property.
A couple in a real estate office talking to a real estate agent with a notebook.

If you’re a real estate agent, you most likely already know what kind of message you’d like to send out to your community. Campaigns vary in scope depending on a realtor’s specific needs, and these needs are often times related to what the market is dictating. Themes we see frequently are:

  • Ready to Sell Your Home?
  • Commercial Real Estate for Sale/Purchase
  • First-Time Home Buyer Assistance
  • Looking for a New Home?
  • Homes Just Sold/Listed in Your Area

While we see the success rate of direct mail every day, it’s important for you to do your own research and see if this marketing channel is right for your business. There are many variables to think about. Read on to learn how you can use direct mail to your advantage.

Direct Mail Marketing for Real Estate Agents

With an open rate of 90% (source: Data & Marketing Association), direct mail really is an obvious, no-brainer marketing tactic for savvy realtors. It’s hands down the best way to get a message directly into the hands of potential sellers and buyers.

a man in an orange shirt reading mail at the mailbox

Realtors with a large online following, and even realtors that are new to the business and are looking to grow their online presence, use direct mail marketing in tandem with their digital advertising efforts. Campaigns that are both on and offline have shown to get the best return on investment. For example, email marketing, a relative inexpensive channel, is effective when done right. In fact, according to research done by Writer’s Block Live reveals that “direct mail paired with digital campaigns produce 28% higher conversion rates and boosts response rates by 450%.” Check out Modern Postcard’s direct mail and digital services, Modern Max, for more information!

How to do Direct Mail Marketing for Real Estate

Did you know that more than just realtors take advantage of real estate marketing? Real estate direct mail marketing companies understand the benefits of targeting new movers. When someone moves into a new home, there are plenty of things that need to be considered and done. At Modern Postcard, we work with several real estate related industries to help them promote their services to new movers. If you belong to the below (or similar) industries and have thought about targeting new movers with your services, don’t hesitate to give us a call:

  • Hardware stores (lawn movers, tools, garage accessories, etc.)
  • Home décor brands (bedding, lamps, pillows, picture frames, etc.)
  • Rug warehouses (living room, bedroom, bath, hallways, etc.)
  • General contractors (roofing experts, kitchen & bath renovations, outdoor & patio, etc.)
  • Pool companies (pool repair, new pools and spas, pool cleaning programs, etc.)
  • Electricians, plumbers, HVAC, and more.

One clear thing, is that the real estate industry is famous for using direct mail to grab attention. It’s hard to dismiss a good-looking piece of direct mail to sell a property or a service. Nevertheless, our tip for those who do not want to spend a lot of money on a “blanket marketing campaign” is to utilize our Direct Mail Retargeting program. This program only sends out direct mail to people who have visited your real estate website. This way, you already know that your target audience is interested in what you have to offer. Visitors to your website are already aware of your real estate business, so a postcard in the mail after having visited your website might just do the trick to push them to make that commitment and give you a call to request a consultation.

Direct mail marketing for real estate investors is another service that is greatly sought after. This is because of the highly targeted direct mail lists that are available through companies such as Modern Postcard. We have access to tens of thousands of lists with various demographics suited to the real estate industry. If you’re looking to amplify your real estate investment outreach, don’t hesitate to reach out and get the conversation started with one of our Direct Mail Specialists.

What is the success rate of direct mail campaigns?

Direct mail outshines all other marketing channels. For example, let’s take a look at response rates. According to research done by Newswire, “Direct mail has an average response rate between 2.7% to 4.4% compared to 0.62% for a combination of mobile, email, social media, paid search, and display.” Here’s a downloadable PDF with direct mail statistics that are sure to blow you away. And if you’re a realtor who is looking to dive deeper into this channel and really get to know the myriad of ways you can take advantage of direct mail, check out our webinar page, and in particular we’d like to draw your attention to our on-demand DM101 webinar where Keith Goodman, one of our nation’s top experts in direct mail marketing will take you on a whirlwind of all things direct mail. This one-hour webinar promises to touch on all the basics of direct mail, and more!

How often should you send direct mail real estate?

The general rule of thumb, according to the American Marketing Association, is to drop mail every 21 days (3 weeks). And on average it takes 3-7 impressions for a message to register with consumers. Frequency and consistency is key. This is true across the board when it comes to all the different marketing channels out there. Marketing messages need to be seen a few times before they can start to make an impact. So, don’t be discouraged if after one drop you don’t see the response you were hoping for. In marketing, like in so many other business areas, usually slow and steady wins the race.

Modern Postcard’s Direct Mail Specialists can answer any question you may have regarding creating a mailing campaign for your real estate business. We work with small and large businesses all across the country and offer competitive pricing for this niche industry. In addition, our design and copywriting services are available to those who need help from start to finish, or anywhere in between! We are able to handle every aspect of creating and setting up your campaign to mailing your cards or brochures out from our on-site mailing facilities. We’ll work with you to get the best deal on postage, taking advantage of programs such as drop shipping, and more.

“Does direct mail still work in real estate?” This is a question we see come across our inboxes from time to time. And the honest truth is, when did it not? Usually, the question is posed by smaller agencies that are weary of spending their marketing dollars, and we get it. So, to get in touch with one of our Direct Mail Specialists, give us a call at 800.959.8365, even if you’re not yet ready to get your campaign going. We’re more than happy to answer any questions you may have and to offer you a free estimate on your project.

As you can see, there are many ways to take advantage of direct mail marketing. Just like real estate, our industry is not as cut and dry as people might think. We’d love to hear from you and see how we can help support and grow your business.

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