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Marketers of All Sizes Can Save Big with Co-Mail

Co-mail is a smart mailing solution that has been around for decades – and has mainly been used by marketers from large corporations boasting significant mail volumes. With co-mail, these large mailings were the only way companies could participate and save big due to postal savings gained from co-mail and other strategies. Unfortunately, small to mid-size business marketers with modest mailings were forced to pay higher postage rates because of the inability to sort smaller mailings into the lower postage categories.

Modern Postcard is proud to say this practice is now a thing of the past. With its new Postal Analytics service, The Company evaluates each mailing for the most cost efficient mail strategy available. Co-mail remains as one of the many options, however, Modern Postcard has been able to remove all of the limitations that formerly made it an elite service for large corporations with massive marketing budgets.

The co-mail strategy works by combining smaller finished mailings into one large mail stream. By combining all of these smaller mailings together, Modern Postcard is able to create a more refined sortation level for the USPS. The USPS offers discounts for this sortation because it means less processing by their equipment and the mail is shipped closer to its final destination. Overall, mailings are dropped into the mail stream at a lower postage rate and with the same delivery standard, if not faster.

To learn more about co-mail and how your business can save more money on your next direct mail campaign, call Modern Postcard at 800.959.8365 or read more on Modern Postcard’s Postal Analytics!

By Modern Postcard

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