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Postcard Retargeting Best Practice #4 – Refine Your Targeting

Best Practice #4 - Refine your targeting

Postcard Retargeting allows you to create ‘filters’ so you can better target more intentional buyers.

There are many lookie-loos visiting your website. Bounce rates average around 40% – 50%, based on industry and type. But generally, not only are 97% of visitors not buying when they visit your website, but over half will come and go quickly, without even diving into your content.

Average Bounce Rate by Traffic Source


Bounce Rate by Business Type


This means that there’s a lot of non-intentional visitors who create a lot of traffic and noise, but aren’t really good opportunities.

That’s why the better play with Postcard Retargeting is to filter the mailings to go to those who are most interested in your services.

Set filters like:

  • Top-converting pages
    As you think of specific pages on your site (Product, Abandoned Cart), each one can be a unique creative and a strong, independent message. These filters help business that get a lot of website traffic to manage their budget. If you only want budget allocated to your best opportunities, you can choose to mail to only those pages.
  • Visiting 2+ pages
    Set a threshold of only mailing to website visitors who go on multiple pages, which shows more intent and interest. These visitors will be more receptive to a mailed offer.
  • Geographic boundaries
    Draw a boundary (10 miles, 50 miles, etc.) around your business, and mail only to visitors inside that boundary. Or, specify by ZIP CODE or State if you want to only mail to visitors in a specific area.
  • Suppressing existing customers (maybe)
    This should be decided after some thought. Most businesses can’t guarantee that their existing customers will always buy, and the additional retargeting touch helps to convert.

Of course, if you have a specific list of high repeat buyers, and you know that this is an unnecessary marketing touch, then you can supply a suppression list to be removed from the mailings. That way, you’re more likely to only mail to new customers.

When you add these filters, you’ll reduce the number of mailings going out, but the greater refinement usually pays off with higher return-to-site metrics and conversions.

Before you consider which pages and filters you may want to set, speak with one of our teammates about the goals and traffic on your website. We can help evaluate your best opportunities and plan your retargeting strategy with you.

For more Postcard Retargeting Best Practices, download our eBook and register for our upcoming LIVE Webinar.

Call a Direct Marketing Specialist at 800.959.8365.

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