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Marketing Mad Science: The Power of Print On the Human Mind

It sounds eerily supernatural, but there is a powerful and scientifically verified link between print marketing and the human brain. In fact, neuroscience and haptic research studies prove that touching something with your hands helps you process it and commit it to memory. For marketers, that means consumers better absorb and retain messages in print format versus on-screen advertising.

Power of Print on the Human Mind

Below are specific findings from the scientific community about the power of print on the human mind, along with some tips for your own marketing experimentation.

Physical ads cause more activity in brain areas associated with value and desire. 
-Temple University Study
Make your message and offer relevant to your target audience. Direct mail data provides endless options for segmentation. Leverage insights such as personal hobbies, geographic markers and shopping behavior to tailor your content and incentives for each group.
Print advertising offers the ability to deliver rich, vivid imagery along with tactile stimuli that can maximize sensory appeal. 
-Journal of Consumer Research Study
Go bold with visuals on your print materials. Use compelling images and graphics to sell your story and persuade prospects to consider your offer. You can even incorporate unique elements such as special finishes, textured coatings and custom shapes for added impact.
Direct mail marketing messages are 24% easier to process mentally than digital ads. Brand recall from direct mail is 70% higher than digital media. And direct mail scores 55% higher than digital ads at motivating a person to action. 
-Canada Post Study
Sidestep all of the distractions that come with digital advertising and promote directly to your target audience with printed mailers. Remember that postcards don’t come with background notifications, push alerts or competitor pop ups.
Printed mail more easily triggers recall, with a 32% improvement on long term memory encoding than email, and 72% higher than television. 
-Royal Mail, Private Life of Mail Study
Incorporate a detachable voucher or simulated coupon on your mail piece to give it more staying power. If you’re a brick-and-mortar business, include a tear-off card for the recipients to bring in and redeem for their in-store offer. Online businesses can grab and keep attention by offering a multi-use promotional code in an emulated coupon with dashed lines.
Physical materials produce more brain responses connected with internal feelings, suggesting greater internalization of ads. 
-Millward Brown Global Research Study
Personalized direct mail using VDP(Variable Data Printing) technology provides an even greater lift in response over static messages. When you customize down to an individual based on name, past purchases and specific interests, you substantially increase the opportunity to connect with the recipient and influence his or her behavior.

The bottom line of all the neuroscience statistics is a no-brainer! Invest in print and direct mail marketing for maximum brand retention and mind-blowing response rates. But while the power of physical marketing is scientifically proven, the art of successful campaigns hinges on the partner you choose. Modern Postcard blends both the technical and creative elements of print and direct mail to successfully guide clients from planning, to launch, to post-campaign analysis.

By Jeanine Norlin, Senior Marketing Manager, Modern Postcard

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