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4 Vital Components of Experience Marketing for Trade Shows

4 Vital Components of Experience Marketing for Trade Shows

Are you gearing up for a year of trade shows? Then you need a cohesive, experience marketing strategy. Whether you'll be seeing overlapping prospects or completely compartmentalized audiences, now is the right time to lock down your strategy. Here...

Your Ad Campaign. Does It Have Legs?

Your Ad Campaign. Does It Have Legs?

Coming up with an idea for an advertising campaign is no easy feat. You have to take into consideration your objectives, your competition, the marketplace, your target audience – the list goes on. You have to weave humor (or lack of) together...

Focus on the Transformation and Get More Clients

Focus on the Transformation and Get More Clients

When you think about talking with prospective clients about what you do, you may be tempted to tell them all about how you do what you do. But think about it — is that really what they want to know? Are they really interested in...

Google AdWords: 3 Tips & Tricks for Success

Google AdWords: 3 Tips & Tricks for Success

Many small business owners are either still unaware of the power of search marketing or still too afraid to jump in. The fact is though, the Google AdWords program has been developed and updated nicely over the years. No matter your business size...

For Best Results, Your Marketing Needs a Call to Action

For Best Results, Your Marketing Needs a Call to Action

Our Marketing Coordinator here at Modern recently pulled extra prints to be used in our free Sample Kits. We typically select pieces that are vibrant, colorful and intriguing. We want to show off our super cool clients while showcasing our own...

Sell an Experience, Not Just Stuff

Sell an Experience, Not Just Stuff

If your product is the only thing that you think you're selling, you're missing more than just the mark. You're missing clients and revenue dollars. Great businesses have realized for quite some time the key to selling a product is not necessarily...

The Basics of Testing

The Basics of Testing

By now, everyone running a marketing campaign or promotion has probably thought about A/B testing certain elements. However, I bet that a large majority of them have not actually done it. The disconnect is actually pretty straightforward —...

Close Deals by Writing Like You’re Talking to Your Dad

Close Deals by Writing Like You’re Talking to Your Dad

When it comes to writing a direct mail piece, print ad, email promotion or other marketing piece, the key to success is speaking directly to your target audience. And while you probably have a pretty good idea of who they are — demographics,...

Direct Mail, Email, Or? The Easy Answer… All of Them!

Direct Mail, Email, Or? The Easy Answer… All of Them!

I probably get asked this question, or some variation of it, about 5 times a day. And, being in the direct mail business, I would really like to be able to say direct mail, specifically postcards. But in reality, most businesses cannot survive and...

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